Czech Nymphing MasterClass On-Stream Tactics for Success by Steve ParrottAn on-stream river clinic on how to effectively use the four methods.
Shows you how to constantly read changing river conditions & how to
match the water with the method. Detailed instruction on the river,
leader rigging & fly tying, it has it all! Learn to fish like a PRO!
Four methods covered - Czech, French, Polish & Spanish. Features: -
All 4 methods covered - Czech, French, Polish and Spanish - Reading and
managing the water - how the currents are flowing and how to adjust
fishing technique to take full advantage of conditions. - Effective
waters for each method - Casting techniques for each method - Line
Control - Strike Detection - incorporating indicators - Hook Set -
Drift/Leading strategies - how to adjust rod tip path and speed to
ensure most effective drift WHAT THE EXPERTS ARE SAYING: "An excellent
instructional DVD for the effective methods of European Nymphing." -
Landon Mayer "Seeing is indeed the key to believing (and understanding)
the most effective fly fishing techniques. Whether you consider yourself
an angling traditionalist or someone on the 'cutting edge,' you owe
yourself a deeper understanding of Czech nymphing and related
approaches. It will expand your horizons... and you will catch more
fish. I've never seen a more pragmatic, thorough, accessible primer on
this subject than what Steve Parrott has put together in Czech Nymphing
101." - Kirk Deeter - Editor-at-Large - Field & Stream
SKU: Czech Nymphing MasterClass